←Lukas Hermann


August 2020
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During my internship in the Data To Discovery program, a collaboration between Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, Artcenter College of Design, and the California Institute of Technology, I worked to design a tool that unifies the data collected by the various instruments of the Orphan Lab ocean research team.

My role on the project involved prototyping interactions using D3, Figma, & Observable, running user studies, and collaborating with the designers to create a solution for the needs of the researchers.

After my time int he Data To Discovery program, the Orphan Lab contracted me to continue working on the project through 2021.

PIVictoria Orphan
MentorsSantiago Lombeyda
Scott Davidoff
Maggie Hendrie
Hillary Mushkin
DevelopmentLukas Hermann
DesignBarbara Alonso Cabrero
Rachel Rose Waterhouse